The Creationist Art Gallery
As we atheists are well aware, the Creation Museum of Faux Science will be opening this weekend. Less well publicized, however, is the accompanying Creationist Art Gallery. Fortunately, I’ve been able to get an advance copy of the catalog, and I can assure you that the displays will demonstrate the same kind of careful attention to scientific and historical truth that the more well-known venue does. Below, I’ve reproduced ten pages from the catalog, just to give you an idea of the high quality of the exhibits. (Note: I’ve taken the liberty to correct the many spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors.)
Unknown Pagan Egyptian Artist: Dawkinubis, the God of Evolution (circa 1500 B.C.)
The ancient Egyptians had many weird beliefs, unlike modern-day Evangelical Christians. Here, their god of Evolution is depicted with the head of a lying jackal and the body of Tom Cruise. The long staff-like object in his left hand is known as a Dennett, the symbol for a dangerous idea. Notice, however, that his right hand grasps an Egyptian cross, representing the sacrifice of our Lord. Art historians believe that the anonymous Egyptian sculptor was attempting to depict a “compromise” between science and Christianity, an endeavor we now know to be impossible.
Edgar Degas: Degenerate Scientists (1876)
Like most enlightened persons of his day, Degas realized that the pursuit of science, at the expense of religion, leads one into a life of immorality. In this frightening portrait of two evolutionists, Degas perfectly captures the spiritual emptiness of his subjects.
John Trumbull: The Beginnings of a Christian Nation (1817)
This famous painting shows the Continental Congress of 1776, as the draft of the Declaration of Independence is being presented. The tall red-headed Christian in the middle is Thomas Jefferson, flanked by Christian John Adams on his right, Christian Benjamin Franklin on his left, and a couple of Christian guys you never heard of. If you look closely at all the faces, you’ll notice that everyone present is contemplating God.

Francisco Goya: Darwin Eating His Child (1821-23)
It’s a little-known fact, fortunately documented for posterity by Goya, that Charles Darwin once ate one of his children. Darwin and the child were both naked at the time.

Edvard Munch: Don’t Let This Happen to Your Kid! (1893)
In the early 1890s, Munch visited a number of high school biology classes in Norway. He was much moved by the reactions of students while they were being taught evolutionary theory. In this painting, the artist captures perfectly the emotions of one of the children, who has just heard the evil propaganda that his parents were monkeys. It is not known for sure whether the boy jumped over the bridge or not, but wouldn’t you?

Vincent Van Gogh: Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889)
A few days before painting this masterpiece, Van Gogh recorded in his journal: Today, I attended a lecture on the origin of species. I couldn’t stand what I was hearing. I never want to have to listen to that kind of nonsense again! Art historians agree that the artist cut off his ear a few minutes after lowering his pen. While the curators of the Creationist Art Gallery do not necessarily condone Van Gogh’s extreme response, we do applaud his faith, and are comforted by the knowledge that he got his ear back in heaven.

Pablo Picasso: Woman Without Intelligent Design (1937)
For Picasso, who loved the female form, it was a sin of the highest magnitude to deny that woman had been created expressly for man’s pleasure by God. Over the course of his long life, the artist depicted, over and over again, his nightmarish visions of what women would look like if the Divine Intelligence had not been involved in their design. Art historians believe that the model for this particular portrait was Picasso’s 9th-grade science teacher.

Auguste Rodin: Nude Supreme Court Justice (1880)
As everyone knows, Rodin predicted — and deplored — the Roe v. Wade opinion nearly 100 years before it was handed down by the Supreme Court. In this famous work, the artist depicts an unidentified Supreme Court Justice (many art historians believe that it’s Antonin Scalia), as he struggles to come up with a rationale for overturning legal precedent. Although this sculpture is not directly related to creationism, we thought you should see it before signing the petition in the gift shop.

Jacques Louis David: Dover, December 2005 (2006)
The figure in the center of the canvas is the world’s most respected scientist and pre-eminent Intelligent Design proponent, Michael Behe. The agonized disciples surrounding him are various upstanding Christian members of the Dover, Pennsylvania School Board. After a ridiculously biased and completely unscientific decision rendered by United States District Judge John E. Jones III, the citizens of Dover have been forbidden to teach Creationism in their public schools. In this painting, however, the artist shows Behe pointing upward at Christ in Heaven, promising his faithful followers that God will soon reveal his Truth to all. The scroll on the ground near the foot of the bed is an original copy of Of Pandas and People. Off to the left, you might be able to spot the villainous P.Z. Myers, chuckling in the background as he climbs the stairs.

Jerry Falwell: Huge-Penised Flying Devil Monkey (2007)
The artist created this work shortly before dying of a broken heart. In this beautifully Photoshopped illustration, the reverend doctor Falwell shows exactly what the evolutionists believe we’re descended from. Is this what you want your children to learn?
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That is hilarious. Has PZ seen it yet? Who knew Falwell was so talented?
Creative and very amusing - well done!
Okay, ha ha, very funny. You had me going there for a minute.
How pathetic is it that we can no longer distinguish satire from reality when reading about Creation "Science"?
Well done. I also nearly fell for this because it is so like much of the creationist nonsense that we often see. By the way I am having a bit of a "debating" session with a an evolution-denying blogger who describes himself as a "looney findamentalist"
Anyone care to come over and join in?
He blogs at
Excellent. Makes me wonder what kinds of treasures will be found in the gift shop.
nice collection, :)
-cathy young
pls visit me at:
very amusing and motovated by a scientofoc mind. Below a statement of an atheist scientist:
“Assuming the universe came from nothing, it is empty to begin with . . . Only by the constant action of an agent outside the universe, such as God, could a state of nothingness be maintained. The fact that we have something is just what we would expect if there is no God.”
- Atheist, Victor J. Stenger, Prof. Physics, University of Hawaii
no need for further comments
I hate god he is not real
Thanks for your post, quite worthwhile material.
I really enjoyed your blog thanks for sharing
This is an interesting and thought-provoking collection.
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