Puzzling Atheists #5: Some Woo
This is a puzzle to test your knowledge of woo.
Each numbered item leads to a term that’s related to woo in some fashion. All you have to do is supply the term. They’re clearly spelled out, so you can consider the numbered tidbits of woo as a gift from WWW.
Unfortunately, since this is a Woo Puzzle, I've had to acknowledge that God works in mysterious ways. So every consonant has been replaced with a W, and every vowel has been replaced with an O. That is, except for the letters W and O, which have been replaced by one another. For the purposes of this puzzle, Y is always considered a consonant. Thus, the word WOO would be written as OWW and the word WOW would be written as OWO. GOD, by the way, would be written as WWW. For ease of reading, if a term contains more than one word, the words are separated by an underline: _.
As an extra help — because we’re all atheists here, aren’t we? — all As have been left alone. So the word HALLELUJAH would be written as WAWWOWOWAW. Leave your solutions in the comments section. To give everyone a chance, though, please post no more than four answers at a time. I’ll give credit to the first person who identifies each term.
- You’ll be a black sheep if you mix this with linen: OWWW
- A Roman’s dad: WWWO
- He was given the laws on which the Constitution is based: WWWOW
- She’ll fuck up the whole world, not just Babylon: OWWWO
- God's not a comedian, but this is a pretty good rib: OWWAW
- You can babble forever, but this won’t get you to heaven: WWOOW
- His witnesses don’t call him this: WAWOOW
- He never goes commando: WWWWWW
- Pasco County can teach a lesson to this guy, but not vice versa: OOWAWW
- Try this stuff even if you’re not thirsty: WWWW-AOW
- Don’t do this to anybody except God: OWWWWOW
- He was designed, but not with a Phillip’s head screwdriver: WWWWWWW
- This really kills a person: AWWWWOWW
- Israel — or America: WWWW_WAWW
- Oh, you, it makes no difference. Don’t dare to draw him out: WWWAWWAW
- Maybe not now, but this uprising is coming soon: AWWWAWWWWO
- A committed Christian or Muslim: WAWAWW _WWAWA
- We can conceive of God having this kind of an argument: WWWWWWWOWAW
- All Americans should believe in him: WOWWWO_O._WOWW
- Half a dozen of these could surely make our world today: WWWOWAWW_WOAWW
[Update: All items have been de-wooed, but I'm not listing the answers here in case any of you latecomers want to give these a try. You can look through the comments to find the solutions.]
[The A-List: 1. Renacier; 2. Paul; 3. Renacier; 4. Renacier; 5. SI; 6. Renacier; 7. Ubi Dubium; 8. nowoo; 9. nowoo; 10. SI; 11. SI; 12. nowoo; 13. Sesquipedal; 14. Ubi Dubium; 15. nowoo; 16. Ubi Dubium; 17. nowoo; 18. Sesquipedal; 19. Ubi Dubium; 20. Sesquipedal]
I'll just take the easy ones, thank you.
1. Wool
3. Moses
4. Whore
6. Tower
Correct for all four. I'm assuming that Asta helped.
7. Yahweh
14. Holy Land
16. Apocalypse
19. George W. Bush
5. Woman
10. Kool-Aid
11. Worship
Yes. To paraphrase Sinatra, "ooby dooby doo."
Yes for you, too.
2. Pope
Bless you, my son. You're right.
17. Barack Obama
Right. Or should I say: Wright?
9. Wizard
12. Robocop
Correct on 9.
Your answer for 12 does follow the rules perfectly, and may even answer the clue -- although I'm not sure what tools were used to assemble that guy. Also, as someone once said to Robocop: "Funny, you don't look woo-ish."
In any case, creative though it is, it's not the solution I had in mind.
20. ontological
8. Mormon
You've answered number 18, of course. I'm giving you credit, even though you mistyped the number, because you cracked what I consider to be one of the hardest clues here. It's also my favorite.
12. Johnson
Numbers 8 and 12 are correct. You're on fire now. Is Satan giving you the answers down there?
haha, sorry about that.
20. thousand years ... as in the creationist canon?
13. Aphorism.....?
Exactly. And you typed the correct number this time. (Or do you just always key in "20"?)
I really didn't expect any one person to get both 18 and 20 correct. Great wordplay skills.
Challenge: Can you beat everyone else to numbers 13 and 15?
15. Mohammad
Your solution fits the rules, but not the clue. Unless you're talking about the Texas Saw Massacre.
Yup. Fatwa to follow.
13. Apoplexy?
In what way is apoplexy woo-related, except insofar as that's what woo gives us?
Try again.
13. abortion :)
You got it. Congratulations.
That was fun. Thanks for the puzzle!
Thank you for playing. I have no idea how you got all those answers so quickly. My wife looked at the puzzle before I posted it and told me I was nuts to think that anyone could figure these out. But I had faith in the faith-free.
If I ever assemble a puzzle-solving team, I'll want you to be on it.
Damn, that went fast
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