Happy Birthday, Jesus and/or Santa
but he has a definite preference for the left one.

We ask for Grand Theft Auto for me, Resident Evil for you,
Hitman: Blood Money for cousin Max, and peace on Earth for the cow?

"[T]ouch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your legs and hands, and fly into your face and eyes." - John Adams, 1814
Posted by
The Exterminator
2:02 AM
Great stuff! Ex goes with a graphics dominated post. It's a christmas miracle!
Santa bless us, every one.
That first Madonna with child is HOT!
Is that a sacrilege?
Philly: Yeah, I was visited by the Ghost of Graphics Past.
Yeah, it's a sacrilege. Anyway, I saw her first.
I love it! Merry Christmas to the entire Atheosphere.
Excellent! In fact so good I just had to give it a mention on my blog.
Did you do the pics yourself? Unfortunately my expertise in Photoshop consists of being able to open the program and not much more;)
You are soooooo going on Santa's "naughty" list this year. ;^)
Of course Mary is hot, the Flying Spaghetti Monster had the pick of the entire world to choose from, he's not going to go with fugly... unless he's been embibing the celestial chanti.
I guess it is BLASPHEMY!!! at that. Shit. I hope I didn't get Santa too pissed off.
I didn't do the pics myself. I merely found them. My Photoshop abilities are limited to zooming in and zooming out. The captions are mine, though.
Well, I wondered why the guy didn't show up.
I've heard that the FSM has been known to date quite a few meatballs, so I'm not sure his taste corresponds to mine.
You're incorrigible!
--the chaplain
That's because you keep incorriging me.
Ex: This is PUNishment...
Great graphics though... I remain in awe.
These are awesome! I do have to say that the Jesus with the boy on his lap is creepy. And not in a good way.
I do have to say that the Jesus with the boy on his lap is creepy. And not in a good way.
Babs, what is "good" creepy?
Oh, I can't WAIT to hear this...
Well, "good" creepy is Tim Burton movies, John Malkovich's voice, Requiem Mass in D Minor by Mozart or any book/illustration by Edward Gorey. Even the creepy guy that rides his scooter around town and wears a hat with ear flaps no matter what the weather. But he's only "good" creepy because I'm in a car and can outrun his scooter.
ditto on the Tim Burton movies, "good" creepy is Johnny Depp as Sweeny Todd, and watching Japanese horror movies, and Shaun of the Dead... definately Shaun of the Dead.
And HR Giger. And The Body Worlds Exhibits.
Man I love "good" creepy.
Sounds like "good" creepy is mostly fictional.
It can't work as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I consider.
I believe everybody should browse on it.
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