Another What?
I really hate it
when bloggers
shill their own stuff,
don't you?
I have no idea
what this is about.

If anyone
among my readers
happens to listen to it,
please let me know
what the hell it is.
"[T]ouch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your legs and hands, and fly into your face and eyes." - John Adams, 1814
I really hate it
when bloggers
shill their own stuff,
don't you?
If anyone
among my readers
happens to listen to it,
please let me know
what the hell it is.
Posted by
The Exterminator
3:11 PM
You really should attach an mp3 file to your posts so people that use iTunes (and other podcast downloaders) can subscribe to your podcast.
Thanks for the suggestion, which is very reasonable, indeed. We plan to do that in the future, as soon as we've got a few more podcasts.
Looks good ex, I'll have to give it a listen when I get home. My computer at work hs no audio or, eh?
Let us know when Trinity will be on the podcast.
I came here via Trinity's Christian Diary and wish that I had not. Do you feel it is respectful to those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to use language like you do? "Another God D*amned Podcast" is disresptful on many fronts. I will pray for you in hopes that you may recognize who it is that died for your sins.
For the sake of the Christians that may stumble on this blog, do you think you could change the name of your podcast?
In Him,
Good podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing more. Great kickoff issue too, as it's one that is probably on the minds of many non-Christians. I'm not surprised that the discussion centers on atheist interests (I'm listening now), but other non-Christians probably share a lot of our concerns too, as they are also minorities. We need to align ourselves with them and speak for the crucial interests that we all hold in common.
Well, Ray, think of it like this.
If you don't have a problem following a god who damns, then you shouldn't have a problem with a phrase that describes his most common activity.
God does not damn anyone. Its the choices that you make or don't make rather that damns you. It's your choice, the invitation is for all if you repent and put faith in Jesus' work on the cross. Its a free gift.
In Him,
Call me weird, but this type of shilling doesn't bother me at all!
Seriously, how is it "shilling" when you aren't making a dime off of it. It would be like if you had a second blog and mentioned it to your readers at this one.
If you want to argue about it, we can. You know the place. You know the time!
I've seen this listed as your second blog for a while, but there wasn't anything there till now. So, it's about goddamn time!
Let us know what you think. And don't hold anything back. As far as Trinity being on the podcast: You'll be glad to hear that we've got her booked as a guest panelist on the same day as Jesus makes his appearance.
Do you think you could change the name of your podcast? Sure we could. We won't, but we could.
Thanks for the compliment; it means a lot coming from you. And I agree that many non-atheists share our concerns. We just couldn't come up with a name that was all-inclusive. How about "Another Goddamned Ray?"
Renacier & ray:
I'm going to let you guys battle this one out yourselves. No hitting below the bible belt.
It would be like if you had a second blog and mentioned it to your readers at this one.
That reminds me: Check this out.
Hey that could be our slogan: It's goddamned about goddamned time for another goddamned podcast, goddamn it. Hmmmmm. Maybe there are a few too many "goddamns" in there. I think with "goddamn"s, one is pretty much sufficient.
I'll tell you what, it was pretty darn good. I am looking forward to more from the Herd of Heathens. It even started off with soothing music to get me in the listening mood. Its nice to put the voices with the bloggers, makes you all a little bit more... I dunno, life-like.
God does not damn anyone. Its the choices that you make or don't make rather that damns you. It's your choice
Cop: Why'd you hit your wife?
Husband: She made me do it
Cop: What?
Husband: She KNOWS not to talk during the game.
Cop: Sir, you broke her jaw
Husband: You think I wanted to? She knows it's either shut up or feel my wrath. It's HER CHOICE.
Wife: He's right, it was my fault.
And for all of you that were asking (all 1 of you here) there is now a Subscribe via iTunes link at the top of the side bar for subscribing.
Eventually we'll be searchable through iTunes, but it's a little bit of a process to get there.
Oh, and Ex, I can't believe you'd shill. I'm disappointed.
"I'm going to let you guys battle this one out yourselves"
There is no reason for it, the battle is already won and secured for His children. It does not matter what you say. I will pray for you and all that participate here. If you do not believe, why even talk about it? Do you have a blog dedicated to the non-existence of Zeus?
In Him,
I guess if the battle is already won, then it's pointless for all of us to be here, isn't? Why bother praying for us? We're already lost, right? We're the dumb bitches who dared open our mouths when the game's on.
The fundie comments are so silly I can't even tell when they're genuine or when they're someone having a laugh.
Ray, go get laid or something.
ray asked:
Do you have a blog dedicated to the non-existence of Zeus?
You may be surprised to learn that I do have such a blog. Take a look at: No More Thunderbolts.
Maybe he's trying, OG. Maybe this is all to impress Trinity. ;)
The fundie comments are so silly I can't even tell when they're genuine or when they're someone having a laugh.
Well, I've been assuming that Ray is you. The only thing that makes me think it isn't: The guy never links to any images.
How do I know ray isn't a legitimate fundie? He can spell. J'ever meet a fundie who could chug out "participate," "non-existence," and "Zeus," all in the same comment?
Ray, go get laid or something.
Man, OG, since when do you use language like that? You must be hanging around with a pretty rough crowd.
By the way, in the interests of maintaining a complete and accurate record: if your response leads to an actual proposition from Ray, you're duty-bound to share it with us.
There is no reason to belittle me like that. You all get so angry for nothing. PhillyChief, the battle is already won for those who believe, it's not too late. When He returns, you will fall to your knees as scripture states. I will keep you all in my prayers in hopes you may turn towards Him, not away.
I sure hope that no children find this web-site. Teaching people they have no purpose that we are here by chance, a simple accident with no meaning is depressing. Look deep down inside yourselves and do not fool yourselves into thinking you do not believe in a Supreme Being. We ALL do, some are just ignorant to it so they do not have to answer to anybody and live life the way they want to with no consequences.
In Him,
No one here has said that people have no purpose and that we're here by simple chance. I see you don't understand atheism or evolution.
If all you're going to do is troll then you should go elsewhere.
I sure hope that no children find this web-site.
I suppose that means I'd have to drop my campaign to include free No More Hornets stickers in boxes of Cap'n Crunch.
The Little Troll
I am not a troll, troll's leave random comments and usually do not respond. I know what atheism is, you do not believe in God. Evolution basically states that we have evolved, in some way, from apes. Quite silly and it requires a lot of faith. Let me guess, you believe the age of the earth to be billions of years old right? Did carbon dating provide that for you?
Ray Ray,
We have evolved from apes, eh?
You have convinced you know where I can pick up a bible?
I know what atheism is, you do not believe in God. Evolution basically states that we have evolved, in some way, from apes
Well .500 average is great for baseball, but not when trying to prove you're not ignorant of the the things you profess to know. Frankly, .500 is being generous since the comment before was evident that the knowledge of atheism is pretty shaky.
troll's leave random comments and usually do not respond
Trolls (and it's plural, not possessive) always respond. That's what makes them trolls. The difference between a normal commenter and a troll is that a normal commenter has something interesting or useful to add to the conversation.
You can all go to hell. I am done here. Go and continue to worship Joseph Darwin.
Joseph Darwin Hernandez
Alright, who's Ray?
You never heard of Joey Darwin?
He suffered from the same lack of fame as Charles Wesley. He played his part in early Methodism but was overshadowed by his bro John. Poor Joe.
Well I have heard of Joey Chestnut, the speed eating champ.
...or Joey Lawrence from Blossom. See, lots of Joey's.
....I know, I went there. Pathetic.
"Let us know when Trinity will be on the podcast."
Ohhh, I can't wait to hear that voice! :)
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